Looking at things happening around me, most of the time I am glad that I was there to experience it, yet there are times I curse to God for letting it happen. Why? Because you wanted to test my faith. Well, look what it has brought me to. Thank alot.
I love going out having a smoke and just enjoy the view of the morning sun, when everyone is still asleep and I would get out of my room, go the the balcony, enjoy the morning breeze and finish a stick while listening to the birds, the leaves rustles and the coolness of the air around me. I hope to be able to go through this more often in the future. That is if I could wake up at 6am or just stay awake the whole night till 6am and the go to bed after doing all the above. tranquility. peace.
Going out with the company of friends is one that make me feel alive. Sometimes it drains me out though and I would dread the journey. Sometimes its fun and all problems are forgotten during that duration and happiness fills me at times like this.
I am sleepy now. Its almost 2am. I wished I could write more but I could just fall asleep without posting this. I hope to be able to write more tomorrow. So many things in my mind that I want to express, yet so little time. Its always like that neh. So little time.