When I was on my trip to Hong Kong, I bought a softcover book of Danielle Steel at one of the shops at Hong Kong International Airport because I wanted something to read on the plane back to Malaysia and something about the book attracted me. Whilst reading it I've begun to love that book and every single words written by Danielle. Her love for her son, her son's life the moment he was born till the day he commited suicide. It was and still is one of my favourite book. Alas, I lost that copy when friends started borrowing the book and none wanted to admit having it. For the last few years, I've been searching high and low for the book but failed till last August when my mum's friend bought that book during her trip overseas and for that, I welcome his presence into my family. A simple gesture, a simple book was all it took. Yes, I'm soft when it comes to books I love and treasure. This copy though is in a poor state after being read by my mum so I hope one day I could obtain a hardcopy (if possible). I do not want to purchase it online, I want to be there at the counter paying for that book that will be mine. The book is called His Bright Light: The story of Nick Traina - Danielle Steel (1998).

From this book;
Used To
There's no point in fighting me
Cuz I've already lost
This life is but a battle
That I've already fought
Every day I bow my head
Surrender to myself
I used to be so strong
I used to not need help
I used to be a boy
I grew into a man
But I'm not even living
I don't know who I am.
A life that's just spent dying
Is not a life at all.
Walking through this life
And through this living hell
It really can't last much longer
I've lost all I once had.
I know it could be worse
But still it's pretty bad
(Written by Nick Traina)
and at the introduction,
"Wider than the ocean, bigger than the sky. Fly well, my darling boy, until we meet again." - Danielle Steel
A book worth reading and enjoying every single detail of it. While I'm typing out this post, my book is laying next to my laptop. I will read it again later. ^__^